a Dreamer

dreams out loud

Installing Virtual Box Geust Addition in Ubuntu

as a new bie in open source, exploring some  open source operating system using virtual machine seems more interesting for safety. Safe from destructive to your Windows system for unintended mistake, also to keep your data save. well that my reason exploring ubuntu in virtual machine. but when i write this article, i used ubuntu 9.04 full installed in my hardisk :D

first i explored ubuntu in virtual mechine, well i used virtual box. i got a problem. its hard to access my file in host os from my guest os. and i start to hunt how to access host file and finally i got it, and now i want to share it to you.

     ithe key is VIRTUALBOX GUEST ADDITION. we need to install vitual box guest addition in our guest os to access our files in host os. if you are using ubuntu or other linux distro as guest addition you should download virtual box guest addition for linux firt. you can download it here

when you finished downloadit, run your ubuntu in virtual box, and and on the menu bar of ubuntu window, click "device" and choose install guest addition. it will make your vbox guest adition image file as default cd/dvd in your ubuntu os.

then go to terminal and enter directory where the installer in. absolutely in cd/dvd. you can type

cd /media/cdrom

run the suitable installer to your guest os. type these command

./VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run //standard linux

./VBoxLinuxAddition-amd64.run // 64 bit

then restart you guest os or your ubuntu

good luck!!

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