a Dreamer

dreams out loud

Bersiap Bekerja Dengan Java Prepare to work with java

       Friends, before we start to work with java programming language, we need to complete some requiremt in our computer system, such as Java System. You can download the java System freely from  http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/widget/jdk6.jsp, this link is the latest version of java development kit. you can also explore the site to find another version.

      After you get the java system, or we called JDK (java development kit), run it on your computer, very easy to install just like another software, just need to click "next" and "next" till it finished.

     When the software has already installed, we need to set some configuration in our computer properties. right click on your My Computer short cut on your desktop and choose "Properties", also you can click start and right click on your My Computer short cut, then choose "Properties". and the My Computer properties window will appear to set things about your computer. Choose "Advance" tab.

      Then you can choose "Envirentment Variables"


        There will some list of your system configuration, you can choose "Path" then click "Edit" and the edit mode window will appear like :

      There are two fields in the window, variable name and variable value,  we dont need to edit the variable name, but we need to modify the variable value, go to the last character of the variable value, and add ";" character then add the partition/java_foldername/bin,

This is for example:
      E : is my partition
      j2sdk1.4.1_01 is a folder where i installed java system
      bin is a folder in java system files.

good luck. hope that this tutorial is usefull for u all brother and sisters.

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